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Shorts - 31 - Capture - Dr. Neil Hillman

Crisis, what crisis?

This really is a wonderful essay by Daryl Easlea on the 1973 Genesis album, ‘Selling England By The Pound’.

If half a century having passed since it’s release wasn’t remarkable enough (say, what?), the themes of a lost Britain resonate as noticeably today as they did then: a Conservative government that had lost control of industrial disputes with unions; inflation was spiralling and the cost of living was the favourite topic of conversation. Familiar ghouls now, credit cards were becoming ever more popular, personal debt increased, and the national debt rocketed.

The UK was also engaged in a familiar debate: whether to remain in the ‘Common Market’ – the European Economic Community – which it had only joined on New Year’s Day, that same year. It seemed the concern to the man on the Clapham omnibus was that the very nature of Britain was being eroded.

Progress? What progress?

If you’re not familiar with this Genesis work, it stands the test of time with exquisite musicianship rendering it still fresh; although the humour at times harps back to a bygone time of ‘Carry On’ films and Monty Python.

In the spirit of prog rock’s long songs, I encourage you to take 10 minutes and either aquaint or re-aquaint yourself with an example of ‘England’s Glory’, through Easlea’s excellent article.

Find it here:

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I live and work on the lands of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and I recognise them as the Traditional Custodians of this country.

T: +61 (0)431 983 262