In December 1937, during a football match at Stamford Bridge between Chelsea and Charlton, the game was abandoned in the 60th minute due to heavy fog. Unfortunately, the Charlton goalkeeper Sam Bartram was unaware that the match had been stopped and continued to guard his goal for another fifteen minutes, believing that his teammates were attacking the opposing goal. So there he stood, with outstretched arms, fully focused on protecting his goal amidst the dense fog.
It was fifteen minutes later when the police approached and told him that the match had been abandoned. Deeply saddened by this, Sam famously said – “How sad that my friends forgot me when I was guarding their gate…”
How often have we put our clients interests before our own, helping them to achieve their dreams, whilst we put ours on hold?
I know I have. I’ve figuratively been that goalkeeper.
But with that experience, as a coach, I can fix that for others.
The waiting list and details of my coaching content, including how to download my free eBook on the benefits of coaching for creatives, awaits you here: